We want everyone to learn and have fun at Jolt! without feeling harassed or threatened in any way (that includes you)!

To that end, all attendees are expected to adhere to this code of conduct.

Event organizers will enforce this code and expect all event participants to support it

-- this includes speakers, attendees, media, sponsors, exhibitors and staff.


The Basics:

Mind your manners by being considerate, respectful and courteous to everyone in attendance

Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech

Promptly alert event organizers if you notice a potentially harmful situation of any kind

(try it, and we’ll send a very large man in a very tight t-shirt to permanently remove you from the event with no refund)

The Stuff We don't Tolerate:

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct
  • Offensive verbal comments (related to race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability)
  • Deliberate intimidation or stalking Harassing photography or recording Intentional disruption of presentations or other events Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact or advances
  • Physical, written, verbal or other abuse (threats, annoyance, pushing, shoving or physical force whatsoever against any person, which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, or creates anxiety or apprehension in an individual)
  • Boisterous, lewd or offensive behavior or content such as obscene gestures or slurs
  • Failing to obey any rules or regulations of the venue
  • Disturbing the peace, committing any unlawful act, or engaging in offensive behavior

We Expect:

All participants to follow this Code of Conduct while on the event premises at the Renaissance Nashville,

any external venue affiliated with Jolt! and/or Jolt! ancillary or social events.

Thank you for doing your part to keep the Jolt! experience awesome for everyone!